Free! - Coldfusion MX 7, Learning the new features

What’s new in ColdFusion MX 7

Finally a real “developer” version is released of ColdFusion. The release of MX a few years ago was more a performance update by making it a Java based server instead of the “full of memory leaks” C++ version.

With the capabilities of Java, the ColdFusion team managed to create some very helpful features, such as reporting capabilities, FlashPaper 2/PDF creation, Rich Forms, new Charting engine, improved search engine (Verity), Dreamweaver MX 2004 server management integration, Gateways, Administrator API and lots and lots of other features.

So let’s start with one of the, in my eyes, best productivity enhancements, Rich Forms.

Rich Forms

With the ColdFusion Rich Forms you can easily create complex forms, generated in plain HTML, Xforms (XML) or Flash forms. Let’s take a look at an example of a Rich Form in Flash format.

<cfform name="foo" action="process.cfm" method="post" format="flash" skin="haloBlue" width="390" timeout="10" preloader="true">
      <cfformgroup type="tabnavigator">
            <cfformgroup type="page" label="Message Inbox">

User Level: Any
Product: ColdFusion MX
Number Of Pages: 6

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