ezeescroller by 4LevelWebs

July 17, 2004 by Michelle Gantley

The Author is Daniel T. Pastrana


I recently purchased eZeeScroller (7-16-04).  I downloaded the software.  In Dreamweaver MX I went to Window and clicked on Behavior.  I then clicked on the + sign and 4Level eZeeScroller appeared.  I clicked on 4Level eZeeScroller and a flyout appeared consisting of eZee HControls, eZee HShowContentLayer, eZee HStopScroller, eZee VControls, eZee VShowContentLayer and eZee VStopScroller.  All these were dimmed.  How do I enable them?  I tried enabling them by typing text in Dreamweaver MX--nothing.  I also highlighted the text and again the content of the flyout was still dimmed.  How do I enable these?

Can you help me?

Please send your answer to mgantley@tampabay.rr.com.  I have a difficult time find the answers to my questions in DMXzone.

Thank you,
