WebAssist offers Mentor training

December 8, 2004 by Chris Charlton
Not sure if you noticed but WebAssist actually offers "mentor" training similar to what you are asking. It's a higher hourly fee than what you are offering, but it's direct from "the horses mouth." Mentor Training @ WebAssist

seen that

December 8, 2004 by Kenny Darcy
Hi yea, I seen that long time ago, and if you checked it too you would see it is $150 per hour. that is out of my budget.



RE: WebAssist offers Mentor training

April 12, 2007 by Kenny Darcy

If the tutorials were any way good enough I wouldnt need to use the mentor training, I dont think I am the only one that has problem with webassist extensions. I paid up front to webassist in the past for the mentor training, only for them to chat to me for an extra 7 minutes and then charge me for an extra hour. I have wasted loads of time using webassist asp/vb extensions when either I encountered bugs or the documentation was incomplete/unsatisfastory.

I wish adobe would create a grading system and check both extensions and the tutorials that come with them before promoting them on their website.

webassist never seems to give the thumbs up to there users who have wasted loads of time trying to make use of there products.

