Rebuilding the wheel in a pain in the...

December 4, 2004 by Chris Charlton
Would you like to build a cart from scratch, or implement a cart system (to save headaches)?

showing cart details

December 7, 2004 by Carl Grint
first thing, don't use a frame, frame = bad, well that's just my opinion ;o)

Back to cart, you simply add some text on the page which says, You have X products at a value of £0.00 and place the elements from your shopping cart for Total products in X and Subtotal in £0.00

I personally use Jule's Charon cart (, a great extension for Dreamweaver, and at £25 a bargain.

response, part II

December 7, 2004 by Carl Grint
sorry forgot to mention, regarding your question about the customer being sent to the basket page or staying on the current page, you simply use the Go to or Redirect option in the Add to Cart to decide where the customer is taken to when the product is added to the cart, either to the Basket page so they can see what they have added, or back to the page they are on, in which can you would need to send the url and variables etc so you can return to the same page.