When uploading multiple, how about inserting multiple as well?
How would you modify the loop structure so that the file details of several files were all inserted into a database as well, using say the insert multiple example from charon.co.uk?.
It's not possible to insert mutliple records with this extension. Multiple inserts can only be saved when you store each filename in a different column field of the same record.
How would you modify the loop structure so that the file details of several files were all inserted into a database as well, using say the insert multiple example from charon.co.uk?.
It's not possible to insert mutliple records with this extension. Multiple inserts can only be saved when you store each filename in a different column field of the same record.
The way arround it
I had to make this work, so after testing and testing I found that by entering UD Upload together with Insert behaviors, in the form action the form will UPLOAD and INSERT its record to the database at the same time, the ONLY problem is tha it doesn't work in all the platforms I tested in IE, Netscape 4.0 and 6.0 and they all work but in Mac Os10 in IE did NOT keeps givin me an error and that is a big deal most of my customers are Graphic designers working in OS10, the error is something like: "page.asp?GP_Upload=True&varclient=43 or Bad refferal"
Can someone help me! Thanks
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