JavaServer Pages
JavaServer Pages is a comprehensive introduction to the excisting new world of JSP. The book illustrates how JSP capitalizes on the power of Java servlets to create effective, reusable web applications. It also shows how to get started using the Apache Tomcat server, as well as provides detailed coverage of JSP syntax, scripting elements, error handling and debugging, database access, authentication and personalization, internationalization, and integration with XML.
JavaServer Pages recognizes the different needs of the two groups of professionals who want to learn JSP: page authors interested in JSP elements in web pages, and programmers concerned with learning the JSP API. If you're itching to program your own JSP components, this book also teaches you such advanced toptics as creating custom tag libraries and integrating servlets and JavaBeans with JSP. Finally, the author presents a complete custom tag library for database access, internationalization, and more that you can use as springboard for your own JSP libraries.
Source: O'Reilly
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