SQL: Strings Support

Handling strings in SQL requires an understanding of basic string syntax, from declaring tables with character columns, to entering strings in SQL for inserting, updating, or searching for rows. 

But that's just the start. Databases also have a huge assortment of string functions, from simple concatenation to SUBSTRING, LENGTH, and a variety of even more powerful functions.

In this article, Rudy reviews the basic syntax and gives several tips for working successfully with strings, and then provides a number of examples of string functions in action, examples which you may think might only ever be solved with application scripting logic but which, upon closer inspection, can be accomplished with string functions in single queries.

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Rudy Limeback

Rudy LimebackRudy Limeback is an independent consultant with over 20 years of SQL experience using DB2, SQL Server, Access, Oracle, and MySQL. Rudy is also a Web developer, Technical Editor at Digital Web, one of the original evolt.org admins, with his own Web site since 1996. More information at r937.com. Rudy lives in Toronto, Canada, where the weather allows you to play frisbee golf all year long.

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