Ten ways to speed up the download time of your web pages

Want to be even more convinced about the power of CSS? 

Then check out this free article that will give you 10 hints about how to get your web pages into your viewers eyes even faster.

10. Use / at the end of directory links

Don't do this: <a href="http://www.URL.com/directoryname">

Do this instead: <a href="http://www.URL.com/directoryname/">

Why? If there's no slash at the end of the URL the server doesn't know if the link is pointing to a file or to a directory. By including the slash the server instantly knows that the URL is pointing to a directory and doesn't need to spend any time trying to work it out.

This article was written by Trenton Moss. He knows an awful lot about accessibility and the Disability Discrimination Act.

Copyright © 2004 Trenton Moss, webcredible All Rights Reserved