File Genie PHP Tutorials

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Create a web photo album

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How do you create a web photo album of uploaded files.

With the File Genie PHP Extension you can display your uploaded thumbnail images in a web photo album.
This tutorial will show you how to display the thumbnails with the Folder List Table to repeat them horizontally and vertically.

How to do it

  •  Open page

    Open your php file where you need to display the thumbnails.

  •  Find the Folder List Server Behavior

    You will find the Folder List Server Behavior under Bindings, Folder List.

  •  Apply the Folder List Server Behavior

    In the Folder List Name enter the name of this Folder List object.
    In Folder Browse to the folder that holds the thumbnails you would like to display.
    By Allowed Extensions you can choose which files you want to display. In this case Images only.
    Make sure you select Show Thumbnails Only and fill in the correct suffix/prefix!

  • Click OK

    To apply the Folder List behavior click OK.
    A message box appears to tell you that the file called incFileGenie.php has been copied to your site in the ScriptLibrary folder. Click OK.

  •  Make the layout of the page

    To actually show the files on the page open the Bindings Panel. Select thumbnailImage. And click on Insert.

  •  Apply Table

    To actually show all the image files in the images folder you need to apply the Folder List Table Server Behavior.

    1. To apply the Folder List Table select the item on your page you want to place in the table .
    2. Open up Folder List Table. You will find this behavior under Server Behaviors, DMXzone, File Genie, Folder List Table.

    3. You need to choose how many records you want to display and how many columns.
    4. Click OK.

  • Results
  • Let's see what it looks like. Save your file and press F12 to open up the browser.
    A page with 9 records in 3 rows and 3 columns!

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