Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 Zero to Hero
Another solid publication from the experienced Dreamweaver and Fireworks authors Joyce Evans and Charles Brown. Using the well established tutorial style of the Zero to Hero series this book walks you carefully through the basics, and then opens up to provide in depth coverage of the different aspects of working with Fireworks, such as animations and automation.
Finally in the Hero section of the book we get two case studies that help the reader to put all this new found knowledge in context. The first case study covers the development of Web sites with Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Here we're shown how we can play to the strengths of both software packages – designing in Fireworks and producing the code via Dreamweaver.
In the second case study we are walked through the production of an eye-catching media player interface. Starting with an inspiring image of the futuristic graphic, the tutorial shows how to combine effects to slowly build up the illustration piece by piece.
Very helpful for the graphically challenged such as myself, as I've often looked at a graphic and though 'how do they do that?' With this book I can start to see how I might even be able to do it on my own.
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Summary of Contents:
Chapter 1: Web Graphics and the Fireworks Interface
Chapter 2: Creating Content Tools and Colors
Chapter 3: Object Properties
Chapter 4: Object Behavior: Interactivity
Chapter 5: Optimization and Exporting
Chapter 6: Animation
Chapter 7: Working with Vectors
Chapter 8: Spectacular Text Effects
Chapter 9: Retouching and Enhancing Color
Chapter 10: Creating Interfaces
Chapter 11: Extensibility and Automation
Chapter 12: Integrating Fireworks MX 2004 with Dreamweaver MX 2004
Hero Project 1: Web page layout with Fireworks and Dreamweaver
Hero Project 2: Media player interface