Incorporating PayPal option for file downloading

July 12, 2004 by Kevin Mitchell
I would love to find out how to do this as well... if you receive a response, please email me at Thank you.

I have found one way, but havn't found the most ideal way yet.

July 12, 2004 by Nils Satterstrom

The way I have it set up now lets you browse the files and when the visitor decides to purchase one, they can click on the Pay-Pal button that corresponds to that file.  Once they have SUCCESSFULLY paid, the "successfull" link set up in Pay-Pal directs them to the page on my website where they can simply download the image by clicking on the button.

However, the ideal way for this to work would be for the user to check all the files they wish to purchase, and pay for them all at once, then be sent the "successfull" page where only the files they checked would be available to download.  Unfortunatley I don't know how to get the "successfull" page to know which files they checked when they were browsing.  Any input would be a great help. 

I've found a way to do this

August 6, 2004 by John Harrison

Try this, Theres a free account and works with paypal

