Building content based on user profiles Support

If you’re building a web site that provides different kinds of dynamic content to the users of your web site, a nice feature is to let your users decide what types of content they want to see. A good example of this is a site like – every day they will post links to articles that cover a wide variety of subjects, and in the preferences you can decide what kinds of articles you want to see.

The way that their system works is an opt-out solution. By default you will get all articles of every topic displayed on the main page. You can then go into a preferences page and there select article topics that you are not interested in.


We build up such a system today; it's simple to follow and the code is provided.

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Allan Kent

Allan KentAllan comes from Cape Town, South Africa. He has been implicated in writing for several WROX, glasshaus, Wiley and Apress publications, generally in the 'cool stuff that PHP can do' sections.

You can catch up with him at his website

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