blue lines in linked image

March 13, 2004 by Tasneem Rangoonwala
Have u tried setting the image border property to "0"? It is done like this: let me know if this helps

remove lines

March 13, 2004 by Tasneem Rangoonwala
code : ""

remove lines

March 13, 2004 by Tasneem Rangoonwala
sorry, the code does not seem to some up in the window. i'll try again: code : ()

You need CSS

June 4, 2004 by Mary-Catherine Gerrey

You will need to use style sheets for this, which means that it may not work in every browser, but for the most part you are fine.  Just be sure that your links stand out so that your users don't miss them.


<a href="foo.htm" style="text-decoration:none">My Link</a>

Hope this helps

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