Verifying NT Users (W2K Users)

September 5, 2001 by Martin Ruppert

I would like to only allow known users to read/write in my directory. Is it possible to verify the indentity of a user via an ASP site. Aren't all users who access a directory through an ASP site (ie an upload page using your PureASP Upload - excellent extension by the way!) using the annoy. IUSER account? Sorry, I'm relatively new in this area.


RE: Verifying NT Users (W2K Users)

September 5, 2001 by Waldo Smeets
Best way would be to protect the upload page by using the default login behaviors that ship with UltraDev 4. When users can not access the upload page they also can not upload anything. I hope this helps.

RE: RE: Verifying NT Users (W2K Users)

September 6, 2001 by Martin Ruppert

Thanks for your quick reply.

I did create a login page and protect my pages. What I am not sure of is how to assure that only those users have access to the actual directory. Wouldn't it be possible for somebody to use the IUSER account to get access to my directory. To my understanding the IUSER accesses the directory, not the verified user of a UD4 secure page. Is it possible to define another user to access the directory. Basically tell IIS to not use IUSER and hide that user name from all possible intruders?

Another question is regarding Pure ASP uload from George. I read several times that version 2 will be soon available. Do you know anything about that?


RE: RE: RE: Verifying NT Users (W2K Users)

September 6, 2001 by Waldo Smeets

I am not very familiar with user rights on machines. Sorry. Pure Upload 2 is available: