
April 28, 2004 by Michael Hale

Why don't you just use a cascading style sheet  to specify colors? I just downloaded DW yesterday so dont know much about it yet, however if you are going to make a css use entries such as these, though of course change the color scheme to fit your site.


body { scrollbar-3d-light-color:#111111; scrollbar-arrow-color:#330000;

scrollbar-base-color:#333333; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color:#111111;

scrollbar-face-color:#333333; scrollbar-track-color:#111111;

scrollbar-shadow-color:#111111; scrollbar-highlight-color:#333333



<!--in your html you will have to call the .css file like-->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path to .css goes here" type="text/css">


Hope this helps?



May 3, 2004 by Frederik Van de Velde

You have to remove the first line in your code :

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


Colored scroll bars don't show in all browsers...

August 4, 2004 by Chris Charlton
CSS is the way to go on this, I usually assign the scrollbar styles that Michael Hale outlined below, but I assign them to the html & body tags, this help show in Opera when I tested while back. Example (w/CSS): html, body { css scrollbar styles here.... }