Testing for Validation and Cross-Browser Compatibility

Validation is a vital part of  a professional’s workflow, helping to ensure the best cross-browser compatibility and addressing quality assurance concerns. It's the process by which you take an existing web document and compare it to the Document Type Definition (DTD) that you are declaring. For example, if you create an XHTML document using Dreamweaver tools, Dreamweaver will add the proper structural components (especially if you’re working in Dreamweaver MX 2004) required to pass conformance. However, what you add to the document might not be within a given DTD.

Molly takes you through validating your mark-up and CSS, how to interpret the results and warnings that you don't want (but which everybody gets!) and talks about times when it's considered legitimate to go live with invalid CSS in the interests of cross-browser compatibility.
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Table of Content:

  • Setting Validation Preferences
  • The Validation Process
  • Using the W3C HTML Validator
  • Encoding Concerns at the W3C Validator
  • Validating CSS Documents
  • Testing Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Browsers for Testing
  • Go Forth and Conform!

molly holzschlag

molly holzschlagCoined "one of the greatest digerati" and deemed one of the Top 25 Most Influential Women on the Web, there is little doubt that in the world of Web design and development, Molly E. Holzschlag is one of the most vibrant and influential people around. With over 25 Web development book titles to her credit, Molly currently serves as Communications Director for the World Organization of Webmasters.

As a steering committee member for the Web Standards Project (WaSP), Molly works along with a group of other dedicated Web developers and designers to promote W3C recommendations. She also teaches Webmaster courses for the University of Arizona, University of Phoenix, and Pima Community College. She wrote the very popular column, Integrated Design, for Web Techniques Magazine for the last three years of its life, and spent a year as Executive Editor of WebReview.com.

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