The Screensaver: Dynamic Flash from PHP

In today's tutorial we continue working with the Ming PHP extension.  Besides seeing in more detail how to work with the resource objects that the extension creates and works with, we learn some more about the PHP language and see how variable variables are used.

Instead of a "hello-world" demonstration, we'll look at a  real-life project: A few months ago I built a screensaver for a client that was essentially a slide show.  Besides giving them different image packs, we thought it would be cool if they could build their own custom image packs from their corporate image bank to use in the slide show.  We used PHP and Ming to implement the solution, detailed in this tutorial.

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Table of Content

  • An existing database of material
  • The main application
  • Building the screensaver data file
  • Variable Variables


Allan Kent

Allan KentAllan comes from Cape Town, South Africa. He has been implicated in writing for several WROX, glasshaus, Wiley and Apress publications, generally in the 'cool stuff that PHP can do' sections.

You can catch up with him at his website

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