Cleaning Up Images with the Clone Stamp Tool

Getting rid of simple blemishes in Photoshop isn't that hard - the odd blot of colour and you're done. But Photoshop has a very powerful a tool for removing spots and blemishes from photographs - called the clone stamp tool. This is an easy tool to use badly, but produces amazing results when used well. In today's tutorial, Gavin covers exactly how it works so that we can use it effectively, and gives tips from the professionals on using layers, setting the brush opacity and using the posterize tool to expose the gradiants that you're cloning.

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Table of Content:

  • Definition: Stamp Tool
  • Ok let's expand on that a little bit shall we?
  • From theory to practise.
    • Use layers - the hows and the whys.
  • Quick trick:
  • Skin Grafting
  • Extra Options in Photoshop 7

Gavin Cromhout

Gavin CromhoutGavin Cromhout lives in Cape Town, South Africa, where he works as a new media designer and digital photographer. He studied art at the University of Cape Town and now co-runs the Web Agency He's worked on a number of books (New Masters of Photoshop, Photoshop 7 Professional Photographic Techniques, Photoshop Face to Face, Photoshop Elements 2 Face Makeovers, Photoshop Elements 2 Tips N Tricks, Digital Photography with Adobe Photoshop Elements,Photoshop 7 Zero to Hero, Photoshop 7: Trade Secrets )

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