Building a Menu Bar with Flash MX 2004 Professional

This week's tutorial shows you how to use the MenuBar component to create application style menus for your Flash movies or sites. Allan builds up a menu very familiar to all - duplicating the DMXzone top navigation menu and adding extra functionality! We'll see how to create a basic menu, nest multiple levels of menus and use special menu items that function like radio buttons and check boxes. MenuBar components use instances of the Menu component that we covered in the last tutorial, so it is helpful to have read it, but it is not a prerequisite for being able to follow along in this weeks installment.

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Table of Content:

  • The MenuBar component
  • A simple example
  • Sub-menus
  • Check it out
  • Video killed the Radio star
  • Conclusion

Allan Kent

Allan KentAllan comes from Cape Town, South Africa. He has been implicated in writing for several WROX, glasshaus, Wiley and Apress publications, generally in the 'cool stuff that PHP can do' sections.

You can catch up with him at his website

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Good Tutorial

March 6, 2004 by Wayne Fogell

This tuturial does an outstanding job of teaching one how to set-up a basic MenuBar component, with multilevel dropdown, submenus.

However, I would have preferred more information on how to format MenuBar labels in cases where there are few labels for a long bar. Thus, how would one add space prior to the first label or position the first label towards the center? Also, how would one change the font types/color from basic sans serif Arial/black?

Menubar Link

April 29, 2004 by han thai

I was very help about I followed your instruction to create the menubar however you were not show to make a link on the menubar.  Would you show me?

Thank you,


RE: Menubar Link

April 30, 2004 by han thai

the tuturial does a good job to make a menubar however it does not mention anything about how to make a link on the menubar work.  Would someone email to me how to create the link for this menubar?

Thank you,


What a Disappointment!

January 17, 2005 by David Watkinson
Instead of telling you how to build a working menu bar, it tells you how to make some labels, then ends with: "In next weeks tutorial we'll look at how we can create handlers for our menu items and make the menu do something useful." So where is next weeks tutorial? I can't find anything to tell me how to make this worthless menu bar "do something useful." CAN ANYONE HELP?

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