moves to a Linux Server

DMXzone staffer, Martha "Sherlock" Graham found that, on the eve of the denial-of-service attack from MSblast-infected PCs across the world, Microsoft have shut down (as of 15.30 GMT it was unavailable), and moved it to a Linux server.

Take a look! They'll be drinking the pumps dry in the Slashdot Arms tonight...

OK, so this isn't what it appears; they did not switch their servers to linux, they used akamai's caching services to handle their massive bandwidth requirements. The server is still IIS, but with an akamai box (linux) serving a cached copy of (windows/iis).

Blaster most successful worm in history?

An interesting point this morning on Slashdot from grozzie2, in the light of Microsoft disabling " Blaster is head and shoulders above the crowd as a denial of service worm, the first to achieve a 100% success even prior to actually triggering. Say what you want folks, but this has got to go down in history as the most successful worm ever. "