Allow Zero Length and SQL create / alter table
With a 'create table' or an 'alter table' SQL statement I can add tables or columns to my online live Access database.
I can set new columns to non-required using 'null' in the SQL statement, but is there a way to set the 'Allow Zero Length' property to 'yes' as well?
This can easily be done using ADOX instead of ADO/SQL.
(ADOX = Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Extensions for Data Definition Language and Security)
Here's an example that worked for me:
Sub flevAddHelpColumn()
Dim oConn, oCat, oColumn
' open connection
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open MM_conn_STRING
' open ADOX Catalog
Set oCat = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Set oCat.ActiveConnection = oConn
' create the new Column
Set oColumn = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Column")
With oColumn
Set .ParentCatalog = oCat ' Must set before setting properties
.Name = "memHelp"
.Type = adLongVarWChar
.Properties("Nullable") = True
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Allow Zero Length") = True
End With
oCat.Tables("MetaExternalFields").Columns.Append oColumn
' finish up
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oCat = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub
Dim oConn, oCat, oColumn
' open connection
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open MM_conn_STRING
' open ADOX Catalog
Set oCat = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Set oCat.ActiveConnection = oConn
' create the new Column
Set oColumn = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Column")
With oColumn
Set .ParentCatalog = oCat ' Must set before setting properties
.Name = "memHelp"
.Type = adLongVarWChar
.Properties("Nullable") = True
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Allow Zero Length") = True
End With
oCat.Tables("MetaExternalFields").Columns.Append oColumn
' finish up
Set oColumn = Nothing
Set oCat = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub
Some relevant links with more information on this subject are e.g.:
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