Interview with Eric Meyer: Death of Netscape, CSS, Standards and Star Wars
CSS guru and Netscape Standards Evangelist Eric Meyer talks about AOL, Netscape, CSS, Web Standards and Star Wars and answers DMXzone members' questions in this interview conducted immediately before the news that Netscape has been discontinued (and one question asked immediately after the Netscape deathblow).
The glass: Half full, or half-empty?
Both. It's impossible to have one of those states without the other. I'm far more interested by what's in the glass, and how it distorts and affects the light coming through it.
Thanks Eric! has many tutorials on creating sites using CSS, whether CSS from scratch or converting old sites from tables to CSS.
CSS from scratch
Page layout with CSS - Layers and CSS
CSS Design with Dreamweaver MX:
Type, Lists, Positioning and CSS Extensions
Page layout with CSS - Layers and
CSS Positioning
CSS and Old Browsers
Converting tables to CSS
Tables to CSS
Tables to CSS: Taking CSS Further
Other Web Standards Tutorials
HTML or XHTML: Which should I use?
Zen and the Art of DOCTYPE switching.
Setting Dreamweaver Preferences
for Forward Compatibility
Better Living through Pleasantry: A
Dreamweaver user's guide to effective technical communication
Other Movers and Shakers interviews
Meet Jeffrey Zeldman
Meet Molly Holzschlag
This list is correct as of day of publication (16 July 2003). Please check
the dynamic list of all the latest CSS/XHTML/ Standards
Bruce Lawson
I'm the brand manager of glasshaus, a publishing company specialising in books for web professionals. We've a series for dreamweaver professionals - the dreamweaver pro series.
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