Making a site admin page in PHP

Many budding pro web designers don't consider the client after-care that seperates the professionals from the wannabes. Allowing a client to administer the site themselves, without having to call you up and wait for amends, might seem like a way to deny yourself money -  but it gains you the all-important goodwill that you need in this competitive industry.

Using Dreamweaver and PHP, Matt shows you how you to make an admin site so that your clients can add, delete or amend content by themselves, without having to edit the HTML themselves or call you up to make minor site amends. This tutorial is suitable for intermediate level DW PHP developers (or beginners who read his last article)

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Table of Content:

  • The Basic Admin Page
  • The Menu Include
  • The Admin Stylesheet
  • Some Database Additions
  • The Admin Index
  • Listing the Art
  • Adding Edit and Delete Links
  • Multiple Items and Moving Between Them
  • An Empty Database Message
  • Editing an Entry
  • The Update Server Behavior
  • The File Browser
  • Deleting An Entry
  • Inserting A New Entry
  • Wrapping Up

Matt Machell

Matt MachellA man of many talents, Matt has been a web designer, technical editor, and jewellery picker. He is currently on contract for the Birmingham City University, producing pages for research centres.

He has tech-edited a dozen books on web design and development for glasshaus, Apress and Sitepoint.

He likes music with loud guitars and games with obscure rules.

His website can be found at:

He lives in Birmingham with his girlfriend, Frances, and a horde of spider plants.

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