map links

November 5, 2003 by jamal elsharief

hi there

am doing the same, but in a very huge project, i tries to use oracle mapviewer  but the setup needs info about GIS!.

i tried Macromedia DW and it was ok, u can link your map regions to other .jsp or .html files (using hot-spots) that already include your designed data(report/others)

till now am not satisfied, let me know if you found any better tool.



January 30, 2004 by Kutt Niinepuu
If you want to have rollovers on every province, you have to take int oaccount the fact that you need to swap the entire map every time with the new province highlighted. That could put a lot of load on the bandwidth depending on the size of the image and the number of provinces. It's easier to draw the polygons as imagemap and add ALT text as a tooltip for the regions. In this way the user gets a few words in a title popup message form when they are nousing over the province... It is much more efficient and simple to do the rollover stuff in a flash file, and assigning every button the respective URL.

I'd do it in Flash

January 10, 2005 by Chris Charlton
Honestly, I would pitch to have it done in Flash, you can emulate Tooltips, rollOvers and image URL maps (per region, etc.)