Beginning JavaScript: Scripting The Select Object

The Select object brings one word to mind: confusion. Beginning scripters generally look at this object and throw up their hands in despair. The select object can be very confusing because the select is made up of both the select object itself and its best friend, the option object. The two together create the drop down and multiple select lists of which we are so fond. This is generally where confusion sets in. When dealing with a select you are really dealing with two elements, not one. This can make references to the particular objects get long and confusing.

Luckily, it's not nearly as hard as it may seem. In this article I'll explain how to get at the select with a script, and we'll write a useful script that we can add to the script library.

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Table of Contents:

  • Taking a Closer Look at the Select
    • A Quick Note About Netscape 4
  • Talking to the Select
    • A Quick Note About XHTML
  • The Talking Script
  • Hairy References
    • Your Turn
  • Conclusion


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