Smart Image Processor PHP Manual FAQs Support

Smart Image Processor is a powerful Image Resize extension that will allow you to quickly and easily resize images after you have uploaded them and create thumbnails of the uploaded files. Another great Add-On to Pure PHP Upload

You don't need to write any additional code, it is all click and use!

Note: Smart Image Processor requires the Pure PHP Upload extension version 2.1.2!

Smart Image Processor needs one of the following image components/modules: GD Library, GD2 Library, NetPBM and Image Magick (new!)

This Product is Discontinued, Please get Smart Image Processor PHP 2



With the Smart Image Processor you can:

  • Automatically resize images to fit specific width and height
    Now you can automatically resize your uploaded images to make them a certain width and height.

  • Generate thumbnails for all uploaded images
    This extension will let you make thumbnails from all uploaded images and use the same filenames only prefix/suffix them with a special text.

  • Easy display of the generated thumbnails
    With the build in Server Format you can easily display the generated thumbnail image based on the stored original filename.

  • Aspect ratio can be preserved during the resize
    The height and width of a picture is known as the aspect ratio. This is the relationship between the height and width of the image.

  • Fully integrated with Pure PHP Upload
    The Smart Image Processor extension is able to resize the files that are uploaded with Pure PHP Upload

  • Full support for lot of file input formats
    GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP (These depend on the used component) For more info on the NetPBM component visit and for GD Library visit PHP.Net

  • Resized files are always saved as JPEG
    No matter what image file you resize. The image file extension will change to .jpg.

  • Full control of the destination JPEG Quality
    You can adjust the JPEG quality. The setting of the JPEG quality depends on the size of the image.
    Normal jpeg quality is set at 80. For thumbnail images the quality can be set lower, for example 60.

  • Supports the GD Library and NetPBM
    Smart Image Processor requires either the GD Library or NetPBM

PAYMENT NOTE !: When buying this extension please use the same email address as the one you used to register with DMXzone. If you want to use another email address we suggest you to change the email address in your profile BEFORE you purchase. This will make it easier for us to enable downloads and will avoid mistakes. 

 Related Extensions:


Type: Server Behavior
License: Read now >>
Product: Dreamweaver MX, UltraDev 4, Dreamweaver MX 2004, Dreamweaver 8, Dreamweaver CS3
Server Model: PHP MySQL

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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