Extension required

May 30, 2003 by Chris Green

Extension Required for Join

I have two tables, each wiht a primary code called accountno.  I need to combine these to extract fields from each to put onto a page.  I need to join them by thier accountno.

One is called clientaccounts and the other weblinks333.  Your help would be gratefully appreciated

aim@activ8.com    Chris Green

Submitting a form

April 19, 2004 by Susan Roper
I need to uploasd a site which includes a form that people put numbers is text boxes etc., for a removal company an on line estimate but I have learnt that you cannot press a submit button and the details will come back to us  at our E. Mail address to do an estimate what code do I use please  Thanks if any one knows before I up;oad my site

Explained properly

April 19, 2004 by Susan Roper
This form is long it says how many beds etc., everything in a house I have done text boxes with the right name for each box e.g. beds wardrobes .  Removal from removal to . I did a connection string that links to fields in a table so when they type how many it will go in the table .  but dont know how this form can be sent to me so I can view what they require hope this makes sense.  My college tutor pointed me in this direction but am doing normal database at college. But I am doing my own web site

Couple of great extensions to handle all your SQL

November 8, 2004 by Chris Charlton
Personally I use, and love, Advanced Query Wizard. Another good one is InterAKT's QuB, or known in MM's DRK9 as "MX Query Builder". Both are at least $100 but are worth every penny; they work for all databases.