Stop onMouseOver, re-start onMouseOut
How can I make the AutoScroller stop scrolling when I 'mouse over' a link, and re-start scrolling when 'mousing out' again?
You need to apply the 'AutoScroller - Stop/Continue' behavior to each of the links in the scroller. In fact you need to apply it twice for each link:
- for the onMouseOver event: to stop scrolling
- for the onMouseOut event: to continue scrolling
Here's how to do that:
- Insert the AutoScroller in your page.
- Put your own content (including your own links) where the default AutoScroller content is.
- Then for each link in your scroller content:
- put your cursor somewhere on the link
- select 'Cross-browser AutoScroller - Stop/Continue' from the FlevOOware flyout in the Behavior panel
- fill out the dialog for the Start action
- click OK
- select onMouseOut in the event list
- again, select 'Cross-browser AutoScroller - Stop/Continue' from the FlevOOware flyout in the Behavior panel
- fill out the dialog for the Stop action
- click OK
- select onMouseOver in the event list
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