The ActivEdit extension is bundled with the trial version of ActivEdit 3.0. This Dreamweaver MX server behavior enables you to easily embed the ActivEdit editor into an HTML form. It is also compatible with Dreamweaver's standard server behaviors, including Insert Record and Update Record.
ActivEdit Features
Intuitive, Microsoft Word-style content management
Edit documents in Normal or HTML mode
Browse and insert images
Preview and upload images
Java applet offers Netscape 6+ and Mozilla support
The ActivEdit
extensions — ActivEdit ASP, ActivEdit CF, and ActivEdit JSP — greatly
simplify the task of inserting CFDev's ActivEdit into pages generated by Dreamweaver
MX. Ideal for content management systems, CFDev's ActivEdit (see Figure
1) uses an ActiveX DHTML editing component to generate rich HTML content
on-the-fly. Version 3.0 now supports Netscape 6+ and Mozilla, in addition to
Internet Explorer 4+.
Figure 1 The ActivEdit WYSIWYG editor
in Internet Explorer 6
In this tutorial, you'll learn to install ActivEdit and apply the server behavior
to ASP, ColdFusion and JSP pages.
In addition, you'll learn how to use ActivEdit in tandem with Dreamweaver's
default server behaviors, Insert Record and Update Record.
In summary, this tutorial covers the following topics:
The ActivEdit extensions are bundled with a trial version of CFDev's
ActivEdit 3.0.
The trial version is fully functional and will not expire. To remove the
trial notice and/or JavaScript alert message, the full version can be purchased
separately from
Tutorial Requirements
To complete this tutorial, you need to do the following:
Copy the ae_tutorial folder to the root of your web server (e.g., C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ae_tutorial).
Define a new ASP, ColdFusion or JSP site in Dreamweaver MX called ae_tutorial
Create a new System DSN or ColdFusion data source named activedit that
points to the sample database (e.g., C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ae_tutorial\db\activedit.mdb)
For instructions on creating a DSN, see "Setting Up a DSN in Windows"
in the Appendixes of Using Dreamweaver MX.
Author of "The Joy of Dreamweaver MX: Recipes for Data-Driven Web Sites," Paul Newman is President of BRAVE NEW WURLD, a New York web design firm. He has a BA in English and Creative Writing from Binghamton University and an MFA in Film Production from the UCLA Department of Film, Television, and Digital Media.
Paul's computer experience dates back to 1985, when he bought one of the first Apple Macintosh computers in his senior year of college. He has been building web sites since 1997, and his clients include,,, and