Dreamweaver MX: Advanced ASP Web Development
This is the follow-up to our "Dynamic Dreamweaver" book.
We're assuming that you already know a bit about ASP, and developing with it using Dreamweaver MX. You don't have to know ASP inside out to get the most out of this book: the focus is more on advanced uses of ASP with Dreamweaver MX. Saying that, however, this isn't a book for you if you've never used ASP or Dreamweaver before.
1 Introducing ASP
2 Decision Making, Loops, and Arrays
3 Functions
4 Objects, Properties, Methods and Events
5 Error Handling
6 Extending Dreamweaver MX
7 Advanced ASP Databases
8 File Handling
9 Using XML with ASP
10 Sessions and Cookies
11 Integrating Flash and ASP
CS1 Case Study 1 - A Simple Blogging System
CS2 Case Study 2 - Message Forums
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