Why This Error ?

March 8, 2002 by Juliardiaz Mae

I've tried the code above..

but this error appear, what could possibly wrong ?

well i tested it with my stored procedure

this is my stored procedure ;

Create or replace package testpda as
Procedure PackTransactions(id varchar, recs out t_cursor);
end testpda;

create or replace package body testpda as
tabtg   varchar(30);
tabpb  varchar(30);
tabdp  varchar(30);
stmt  varchar(1000);
selcl  varchar(500);
condcl  varchar(500);
myreg  varchar(2);
myeop  varchar(6);

Procedure PackTransactions(id varchar, recs out t_cursor) as
stmt:='select eop,jumtag,tgllunas,jumbyr from tagihan_nasional t,'
|| ' pembayaran_nasional p where t.msisdn=' || id
|| ' and rtrim(t.msisdn)=rtrim(p.msisdn)';
open recs for stmt;
end PackTransactions;
end testpda;

and this is my asp code.. (well it's developed from the Surya Rao's code)

SQL = "{call testpda.PackTransactions({id,recs})}"

 Const cIDParam = 0

 Set objEmpDetailCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
 objEmpDetailCommand.ActiveConnection = conn
 objEmpDetailCommand.CommandText = SQL
 objEmpDetailCommand.CommandType = 4 '** adCmdText
 objEmpDetailCommand.Parameters(cIDParam).Direction = 1      
 '* adParamInput
 objEmpDetailCommand.Parameters(cIDParam).Value = id 

in some reference.. that explains about the stored procedure that put ref cursor as the output parameter, it didn't include the ref cursor as the out parameter.. well.. but it is error. i've tried another code..it worked on their sp..

my sp is already tested on the sql worksheet.. and works

but my asp code ... still can't manage to call it..

the error sounds like this :

Provider error '80040e14'

One or more errors occurred during processing of command.

/rekon/recapp/testpack.asp, line 42


please help me.. i can't figure out the solutions for almost 2 weeks...

and i've been sending to many people asking bout this.. none replies..