Fundamental Web Design and Development Skills
Ever wanted to change direction in life and start a new career path? Just finished university or college and need a new challenge?
If you're considering a career in web development, this up-to-date book will provide you with all the core professional skills you need. As well as covering the web languages of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you'll be introduced to various aspects of design, such as navigation through a site, page layout, and the use of images.
You'll also find a discussion of the topics that concern current web professionals: the use of web standards, usability issues, making the site accessible to those with disabilities - and how to combine these with great-looking sites!
In a tutorial style all the way, the book ends by showing you how to upload and manage your site once it has been created, and where to go from here to progress with your career choice.
The book comes with a CD full of sample code from the book, and PC and Mac trial versions of the latest visual design tools: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia Fireworks MX, and Macromedia Flash MX.
Who the book is for
This book is for anyone new to web design who wants to start down the path of a web professional career. No knowledge of HTML or any other web langauge is assumed.
Table of Contents
1 - The Web and How It Works
2 - Basic HTML
3 - The Design Process
4 - Going Further with HTML
5 - Creating Graphics for the Web
6 - Traditional Page Layout Techniques
7 - Navigation
8 - CSS: Modern Layout and Style
9 - Basic JavaScript
10 - Going Further with JavaScript
11 - Usability
12 - Accessibility
13 - Standards Compliance
14 - Getting Your Site on the Web
15 - Site Administration and Maintenance
16 - Server-Side Scripting
17 - Where Do I Go from Here?
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