Cannot uninstall

December 13, 2002 by Jon Stanton
This is a great suite BUT installation for PHP_MySQL overwrites standard files in DWMX and you cannot put it back afterwards should you wish to uninstall. Also, it may affect how other extensions work because of this issue. I'm having to reinstall DWMX after trying the demo of Impakt tNG.

RE: Cannot uninstall

December 13, 2002 by Interakt Online


The support of Advanced Recordset is kept after uninstalling, indeed. However, we are not aware of any problems with third party extensions, but we have created an uninstall package that restores the initial DWMX files.

We'll patch the demo version here to include this uninstaller.


RE: RE: Cannot uninstall

December 13, 2002 by Jon Stanton
Many thanks to Interakt who have now provided an uninstall routine which puts back the DMX files that were overwritten by the Advanced Recordset extension that ships with Impakt.