Introduction to XSLT

It introduces XSLT, going through the basics of using it to transform XML on the client-side, by way of easy-to-follow tutorial examples (we have included the first three examples here). Chapter 6 of the book takes client-side XSLT to a more advanced level, and Chapters 8-11 include coverage of server-side XSLT usage.


This sample is taken from Chapter 5 "Introduction to XSLT"of the glasshaus title "Practical XML for the Web".

Example 2: Creating a Table of Contents with XSLT

In this example, we'll create a table of contents as a list of links to our dinosaurs using XSLT, without changing the source XHTML page. This is an example of generating new content automatically from existing content  and it's useful for creating navigation, cross-references, summaries, and so on.

The benefits of doing this in XSLT are:

·          The table of contents will automatically update when the list of dinosaurs changes. This wouldn't have been the case if we'd just used static HTML.

·          The table of contents can easily be generated from existing XHTML. If we were generating such an index with a scripting language like ASP, we'd probably want to do this in a more complex way by pulling the information out of a database or separate data file instead.

·          We gain even more bandwidth savings than in the last example. With our header and footer example above, the header and footer data was only downloaded once. This time, the HTML for the table of contents isn't downloaded at all. Instead, the browser only needs to download the rules to create the table.

·          As in the previous example, no server-side processing is required to generate the table of contents, reducing load on the server.

How else could we do it?

·          By using a server-side scripting language (such as ASP, PHP, or JSP) to generate the list of contents from a data source or by parsing the existing HTML

·          By using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM client-side, and using document.write to create HTML

Create a new copy of dinosaur_1.xml, and call it dinosaur_2.xml (or find it in the code download for this chapter). Change the first line of dinosaur_2.xml to reference a new stylesheet:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="contents_2.xsl" ?>

and create contents _2.xsl in the same folder, using the code below (replacing the first line as described above, if necessary):

<xsl :stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

  <xsl:template match="/">

    <xsl:apply-templates />


  <xs:template match="node()|@*">


      <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>



  <xsl:template match="body">


      <table style="border: solid thin black">


          <td><a href="mammoth.html">Visit the Mammoth zone!</a> - </td>

          <td><a href="play.html">Play Pteranodon Poker</a></td>



      <h2>Quick reference</h2>


        <xsl:for-each select="h2">



              <xsl:attribute name="href">

                #<xsl:value-of select="text()"/>


              <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>





      <xsl:apply-templates />

      <hr />

      Copyright 2002 DinosaurOrg.



  <xsl:template match="h2">


      <xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="text()"/></xsl:attribute>




</xsl :stylesheet>

Here's how dinosaur _2.xml should look in a browser:

Hunting for Dinosaurs with <xsl:for-each>

The first few lines of contents _2.xsl are the same as in our previous example  defining the version and namespace, making sure IE 5 and IE 5.5 perform transformations, defining the Identity Transformation, finding the <body> tag, and inserting the header links. We then add some more content to the header, using the following section of the stylesheet:

      <h2>Quick reference</h2>


        <xsl:for-each select="h2">



              <xsl:attribute name="href">

                #<xsl:value-of select="text()"/>


              <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>





The first two lines of this section give a header and begin the list for our TOC, and the last line closes it. The interesting bit comes in the middle. Here, we set up a loop to find all <h2>tags in the <body> element content, and create a list of anchor links based on the contents of these <h2> tags. Becauseall of our dinosaur names in the page are nicely wrapped in <h2> elements (for example, <h2>Tyrannosaurus Rex</h2>), this becomes a list of links to our dinosaurs.

For each <h2> in the body of the page, we first output an <li> tag. We then create an <a> tag, use xsl:attribute to add an attribute called 'href', and set this attribute to be a hash symbol followed by the content of the <h2> tag. We then close the href attribute. We use the text content of the <h2> tag again to output the dinosaur name as visible text for the link, and finish off with an </a> tag to close the link. Finally, we close our <li>element, and end the for-each loop with </xsl:for-each>, giving (for example):

< li><a href="#Tyrannosaurus Rex">Tyrannosaurus Rex</a></li>

For dinosaur _2.xml, the complete block of navigation created by this code looks like this:

<h2>Quick reference</h2>

< ul>

  <li><a href="#Brontosaurus">Brontosaurus</a></li>

  <li><a href="#Tyrannosaurus Rex">Tyrannosaurus Rex</a></li>

  <li><a href="#Stegosaurus">Stegosaurus</a></li>


Let's add a pterodactyl to dinosaur _2.xml:


A Pterodactyl can fly round at high speeds.

< ul>

  <li><b>Weight:</b> 0.05 tons</li>

  <li><b>Length:</b> 2 m</li>

  <li><b>Color:</b> Gray</li>


Reload dinosaur_2.xml, and the Pterodactyl will be added to the contents list without the need for us to change the stylesheet.

Now that we have created a list of links, we need to add some <a name="xxxx"> tags to our dinosaurs further down the page to give the links somewhere to link to. The stylesheet above contains a new template to transform the <h2> element:

  <xsl:template match="h2">


      <xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="text()"/></xsl:attribute>




When we call <xsl :apply-templates /> in the middle of the <body> template, any <h2> tags within the body content will be transformed using this new template, rather than the Identity Transformation. ><h2> tags are transformed from:

<h2>Tyrannosaurus Rex</h2>


<a name="Tyrannosaurus Rex"><h2>Tyrannosaurus Rex</h2></a>

So, we've seen how to generate new content from an existing XHTML document. This is a good technique to use when you have existing HTML that has a regular format, and want to add information and change formatting without completely altering your source documents.

Which template will be applied?

There is a reason for the ordering of templates we have used in the examples above. This is because of a difference between how the XSLT 1.0 standard and XSL-WD prioritize templates, if several could match the same node.

In XSLT 1.0, <xslt:template> has a priority attribute that allows you to specify which template will be applied if there are several that match a node. A higher priority indicates that the template will be applied preferentially.

If no priority is specified, then the order in which templates are applied is quite complicated. The full process is described in section 5.5 of the XSLT specification (, but the essence of it is that, of all the templates that could match an element, the most specific is always used. In Example 2, the identity template will match every node, including the <body> element, but because we specifically look for <body>, that rule will apply. If we were just targeting XSLT 1.0-compatible browsers, we could put the templates in any order, and rely on these rules to apply the correct templates.

This is not true of XSL-WD in IE 5.0 and IE 5.5. In these browsers, the matching template that is listed last in the XSL file is the one that will be used. This often means that you need to re-order the templates in an XSL file intended for IE 5 to make it work the same way as in IE 6. For this reason, we have placed the Identity Transformation at the top of our stylesheets. If we put it at the bottom, it would override all other templates in IE 5.0 and IE 5.5.

Example 3: Separating Design from Content

So far, we've been basing our transformations on an XHTML document, containing layout information for our content. This is fine, but in order to gain the real benefits of XML and XSLT, we'd like to be able to remove all layout code from the source file, and store all design transformations within an XSLT stylesheet.

The benefits of doing this in XSLT are:

·          The source XML document contains useful structured content without needing to be concerned about the layout of that content. This makes content reuse and content sharing much easier.

·          Layout and design can be completely changed in the future without the need to change the underlying content.

·          It is easy to produce several different versions of the same document  for example, for mobile devices, for internationalization, or for accessibility.

·          The bandwidth savings are potentially even greater than in the previous examples, as all design and layout rules are defined and downloaded once only.  

·          XML can be automatically validated using a DTD or a schema. This ensures that XML conforms to your specific document rules, and allows you to enforce document requirements.

How else could we do it?

·          By using a server-side scripting language (such as ASP, PHP, or JSP) to pull the page contents from an XML document, or some other storage mechanism such as a data file or database, and then generate HTML from this content based upon rules defined in the script.

·          As we saw in Chapter 4, CSS can be used to style XML within the browser. However, CSS does not give the level of complete control that we get with XSLT.

Even though CSS on its own cannot do as much as XSLT, it's very powerful when used alongside XSLT. CSS is much better for applying styles to content, but cannot make the wholesale transformations that are possible with XSLT.

Moving from XHTML to Raw XML

Let's remove all design from our source XML file, and create a new file, dinosaur_3.xml, as shown below:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xml2html_3.xsl" ?>


  <dinosaur name="Brontosaurus">


      A Brontosaurus is big and scary.





    <discoverer>Primrose McFadden</discoverer>


  <dinosaur name="Tyrannosaurus Rex">


      A Tyrannosaurus Rex would eat you.





    <discoverer>George Grimble</discoverer>


  <dinosaur name="Stegosaurus">


      A Stegosaurus has lots of spiny plates.





    <discoverer>Charles Degramy</discoverer>



dinosaur_3.xml is much simpler than our previous XHTML files, and contains all of the important information about dinosaurs without needing to concern itself at all with how this information is displayed. We've also introduced a new item for each dinosaur, namely <discoverer> .

Styling the XML with XSLT

We'll create a new stylesheet, xml2html _3.xsl , to transform our XML file. Change the first line for XSL-WD if you need to, as described above (you can find the XSL-WD-friendly version in the code download too, as xml2html _ie5 _3.xsl ).

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

  <xsl:template match="/">

    <xsl:apply-templates />


  <xsl:template match="text()" />

  <xsl:template match="dinosaurs">



      <title>A simple HTML page</title>

      <style type="text/css">

        body { font-family: Verdana, Times, Serif; }




      <table style="border: solid thin black">


          <td><a href="mammoth.html">Visit the Mammoth zone!</a> - </td>

          <td><a href="play.html">Play Pteranodon Poker</a></td>



      <h1>My big list of dinosaurs</h1>

      <xsl:apply-templates />


    Copyright 2002 DinosaurOrg.




  <xsl:template match="dinosaur">

    <h2><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></h2>

    <xsl:value-of select="description/text()"/>





  <xsl:template match="weight">

    <li><b>Weight: </b><xsl:value-of select="text()" /> tons</li>


  <xsl:template match="length">

    <li><b>Length: </b><xsl:value-of select="text()" /> m</li>


  <xsl:template match="color">

    <li><b>Color: </b><xsl:value-of select="text()" /></li>



The beginning of this stylesheet looks remarkably like our previous example except that, rather than searching for a <body> element, we instead search for the <dinosaurs> element. Because our XML file contains no HTML at all, the stylesheet has to include the <html> and <head> elements in its transformation this time round. Likewise, the template for the <dinosaurs> element must close the <html> element at the bottom of the page.

Rather than search for an <h2> tag to find out our individual dinosaur names, this stylesheet searches for the <dinosaur> element and references its nameparameter.  This is much better than the previous approach of matching the <h2> tag, as you may have other <h2> tags in your document that don't refer to dinosaurs.

  <xsl:template match="dinosaur">

    <h2><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></h2>

    <xsl:value-of select="description/text()"/>





The @name reference on line 2 of this section points to the value of the name attribute of the <dinosaur> tag, transforming <dinosaur name="Tyrannosaurus Rex"> into <h2>Tyrannosaurus Rex</h2> . The description/ text() reference on line 3 then points to the text contents of the <description> child element for our current <dinosaur> element. <xsl:apply-templates /> then tells the XSLT processor to apply any templates to the contents of the <dinosaur> element  in this case, <weight>, <length>, and <color>. We have defined templates for these three tags, and so they are translated by their templates into the same HTML code as in our previous examples.

Removing Content with XSLT

You may have noticed that we haven't provided an <xsl:template> for our new <discoverer> element. Additionally, we haven't included the identity transformation in this stylesheet, so as a result our <discoverer> element is ignored. Don't worry, we won't forget the dinosaur discoverers completely  we'll come back to them in Chapter 6 and make sure they get the credit they deserve.

This does show how easy it is to exclude content with XSLT  one application for this would be to strip out confidential company information when an internal document is republished on an extranet. (However, this would have to be done with server-side XSLT, not client-side,otherwise a simple View Source would show the hidden information.)

Our decision to exclude the identity transformation from this example is because the output of this stylesheet is very different from the source XML file. As we saw earlier, the identity transformation is useful when the output is very similar to the source and we wish to leave most things unchanged.

We have added a new template:

<xsl:template match="text()" />

XSLT has a built-in rule for text, specifying that any text in the source XML is passed through unchanged by default. In this example we don't want this to happen  we want to suppress text, and only display it when we specifically match it with value-of rules. If we didn't include this text() template, the names of our explorers (which are text nodes in the XML tree) would be passed through and displayed, even though we have not given a rule for their parent (the <discoverer>tag).

The resulting web page from these transformations is essentially the same as the one shown in Example 1 earlier, only this time we started with simple, reusable XML.

XPath  We've Used It a Lot Already, Without Even Noticing

So far, we've used XPath several times without really explaining what it is. In the template above, where we use:

<xsl:value-of select="description/text()" />

&we are using an XPath statement to reference the text child of the description element that is a child of the current node. Again, in the template:

<xsl:template match="body">

&we are using XPath to reference the element identified by the name "body".

XPath is used inside the match and selectattributes of many XSLT elements, to choose nodes in the input document, and to alter them. XPath consists of two parts  the path-like document navigation parts shown above, and a set of JavaScript-like functions like substring. These functions will only work in XSLT 1.0, so we will cover some examples of them in the next chapter.

To select attributes with XPath, we just use the attribute name with an "@" in front of it. For example, to output the href attribute of an < a> element we were currently on, we use:

<xsl:value-of select="@href" />

We can also write our XPath so that we match only elements that have a certain attribute. For example, to match only those < dinosaur> elements that have a name attribute, we'd use:

<xsl:template match="dinosaur[@name]" />

It is possible to use conditional statements within XPath as well  for example, to match only the dinosaur with name "Triceratops", we'd use:

<xsl:template match="dinosaur[@name='Triceratops']" />

Conditions can be combined with "and" and "or", for example:

<xsl:template match="dinosaur[@name='Brontosaurus' or @name= 'Triceratops']" >

&will match the <dinosaur> elements with the name "Brontosaurus" or "Triceratops".

We can also match elements that have a specific parent  for example:

<xsl:template match="description/b" >

&would only match <b> tags that were directly inside the <description>, while:

<xsl:template match="description//b" >

would match <b> tags that were within the description, directly or not. For example, in the following description, the <b> would be matched by the description//b XPath, but not by description/b .

<description>A Brontosaurus is <i><b>big</b> and scary.</i></description>

XSL-WD doesn't support the full XPath specification, and so this is the limit of what's possible using XSL-WD inside IE 5.0 and IE 5.5. There are a lot more possibilities available using XSLT 1.0, such as accessing the parent and the siblings of the current node, and a set of functions that includes substring, count, and contains that we'll talk about more in Chapter 6.

XPath is a large subject, and we have barely touched upon it here. However, not too much of it is necessary for everyday use. We will explain more of XPath as we go through the examples below and in the next chapter. A complete XPath reference can be found at, while the XPath specification is available at

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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