Snippets are a new tool that allow you to collect and manage sections of Code. In many ways the Snippets Library is a code library.
In this article you will learn how to use Snippets in Dreamweaver MX and how to create your own Snippets.
Snippets are a new tool that allow you to collect and manage sections of Code. In many ways the Snippets Library is a code library.
In this article you will learn how to use Snippets in Dreamweaver MX and how to create your own Snippets.
Dreamweaver MX delivers many time saving tools. One of the new tools is Snippets. Snippets are sections of code you can place in a web page.
You do not have to be working in the world of the web for more than a few weeks to realize the sheer scope of different tools and languages available to you. On one hand you have HTML, the foundation language for the Web, a basic tag language. On the other hand, you have complex languages such as Java, C# and C++. In between the two of these are scripting languages such as JavaScript and Microsoft's VBScript.
There is no way you can learn all of these languages. Almost every day a new language appears (does anyone remember Wireless Markup Language? It came out in late 1999 and was gone before the beginning of 2001). This year is the push of Microsofts .Net with Internet Web Services. Another new language.
The only way to survive the onslaught is not to become a guru at one, but a smart collector of code. What I have been doing for years is creating libraries of code on my computer. When a client calls and asks for a specific site to be designed with a specific language I can normally find code examples in my library.
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX now has this functionality built directly into the product. Open Dreamweaver MX and press Shift+F9. The Snippet Panel will appear, as shown in Figure A.
Figure A
Snippet Panel
The Snippets Panel is a collection of Scripts (called Snippets) that you can drop in to your web pages. Essentially, a Snippet is a pre-built selection of code. The Snippets Panel in turn acts like a code library. And, unlike my own libraries, this library is organized. You got to love that. Imagine, you can find the Snippet you are looking for easily without hunting and pecking through you hard drive.
You will see from the Snippets Panel that the snippets of code are managed in folders. There are ten major folders:
Contents Tables
Form Elements
The plus sign along side each folder expands to reveal the snippets. Some folders have sub-folders to organize content.
The JavaScript Snippet Folder is an example of this as shown in Figure B.
Figure B:
Expanded View of the JavaScript Folder
There are simply thousands of JavaScript codes that can be executed within a web browser. Dreamweaver has categorized JavaScript into many sub-folders to help you better understand where to find the code you need.
You will find a group of scripts for managing and controlling Browser functions, cookies, readable functions and a whole host of additional tools. All said and told, the JavaScript folder itself has over 80 individual Snippets.
The list is not exhaustive, but it is a very good start.
Matthew David has been developing Flash based applications for over 6 years (that makes him very old in this business!). Examples of his work can be found at his web site, or you can email him directly at
Matthew’s most recent publications include content for Flash 5 Magic, Inside Dreamweaver 4, Flash 5: Visual FX, Web Publishing Bible and The Dreamweaver Bible. You can also see him popping up in many online magazines, such as,, and
Currently, Matthew is working on two books and writing articles for Element K Journal’s Macromedia Solutions magazine. He is a available as a freelance consultant to work on web based projects.
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