Go slow with this one!

August 28, 2002 by John Mallock

I'm a new user here to this site and I saw this announcement on the front page.  I couldn't resist and had to respond mainly out of the hope that someone will have had great success with this new application.

Now I'm not expecting the world from this new application, but I am expecting it to do what it says.  I tried the demo for about two hours and could only get it to work once.  I read the docs and the FAQ thoroughly.  My understanding of Photoshop and Flash are good.  Still no dice.  ( I'm also aware of the demo limitations ).

In my opinion this application ( or perhaps it is better to say demo ) doesn not work!  In fact dare I say would anyone really shell out money for this application if the demo wasn't working properly? 

If you get an error of any kind with this app it will crash the plugin.  You have to restart Photoshop and try again.  You need to make sure that EVERYTHING is in RGB mode or it will crash.  Also, I could not get any large files with more than 15 or so layers to work.  None of my Photoshop web pages worked, only small tester files.

I found that preparing the Photoshop file to export seemed simple, but after testing it more, I found it was just as easy to do it the old way when working with Flash.  At least you know it will  work.

Please don't misunderstand me here.  I am writing this out of hopes that I am wrong about this application and that others will have great success.  That will give me hope to continue my efforts.

Final verdict.  I'll wait until I see some great posts from other users about this application and also a reply from the helpdesk at MediaLabs.  ( Still no reply yet....what does that tell you ).

Thanks for reading and may you have better success.


RE: Go slow with this one!

August 28, 2002 by Chris Perkins


You sent your help message to us at 7PM last night (MST) and got a reply first thing this morning (6:30 AM MST).   

We've not seen the type of bug you are reporting, nor have any of our beta testers or current users.  Therefore, we'd like to know what OS you are using, if you are using an international OS and what version (Turkish, etc.) and your version of Photoshop.

Lastly, if you have a file that consitently fails, send it to us (help@medialab.com). If we can find and fix the problem then a new version will be released.

Chris Perkins
Media Lab, Inc.

PSD2FLA 1.0.1 now available.

September 12, 2002 by Chris Perkins

We identified a bug that made it past the beta team.   PS2FLA 1.0.1 is now released and, as far as we know now, has no known bugs.



Chris Perkins
Media Lab, Inc.