Fader Menu Builder


Ultimate takes a step forward! 


The Fading Menu Builder is the next very welcome addition to the SwipingMenuBuilder Family of products.

  • 43 different menu transition effects for Internet Explorer 5.5 plus browsers.
  • Fading effect for NN6 and greater. Degrades to Swiping effect for NS4 and MacIE
  • Cross compatibility with all Swiper products.
  • A free Web template
  • All the great Swiper features are included in this extension

The extension is offered in 2 packages. The standalone version which is a complete program independent of the other Swiper products and the Module which requires the SwipingMenuBuilder to be installed.

Both are "full" programs and there is no difference in features or functionality. The Module is offered to existing Swiper customers at a discount.

Included with the kit..

  • Complete demo template
  • Completely illustrated tutorial guiding you through building your first menu
  • Detailed user documentation in printable PDF format
  • Complete online documentation
  • Extra tips to enhance the script and menus
  • Newsgroup support forum

For an on-line demo visit: