Web Redesign: Workflow that Works
From the book jacket:
Whether you are a designer, a site producer, an in-house webmaster, or a company owner trying to move your web presence to the next level, this book is for you. If you've ever lived through a redesign that was fraught with confusion, mixed messages, and ever-changing parameters, you'll want this book at your fingertips.
The authors present you with a framework for a cohesive web workflow plan that will help you save time, money and headaches. The web is ever-changing; this Core Process applies to all design and redesign projects, from the simplest to the most complex.
Awesome Book!
We have found this book (and process) to be extremely valuable in cleaning up the basic operation of our core business. The forms, worksheets and surveys are all things that we had been asking the customers in one form or another, but never had it all together in one place. An awesome book for anyone trying to survive in this business!
Producers book
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