Bloom Image Viewer is pleased to announce the release of the Bloom Image Viewer Extension for Dreamweaver/UltraDev/DWMX.

The Bloom Image Viewer is a state of the art image gallery type extension with a kicker of a DHTML effect. Stun your visitors, delight your customers with the effects created by the extension.

Reasonably priced at $35.00 USD the bloom image viewer extension is available now!

See example

  •  Stunning DHTML Effects
  •  Horizontal or Vertical Layout
  •  3 Different Bloom Effects
  •  Optional Border with Selectable Color on Thumbs
  •  Adjustable Thumb Sizes.
  •  Adjustable Positioning
  •  Scroller Widget
  •  Included Extra Scroller Images
  •  Completely Editable from Interface and DW Design View.
  •  Smart Extension Technology: Only the minimal necessary code is placed in document.
  •  Step by Step Tutorial including a set of practice files and printable PDF.
  •  Very light weight code.
  •  24/7 Support at news://