App Connect Date Picker Support

The most advanced date and range picker

When creating advanced booking forms you need full control of the date selection, ranges and validation. With the App Connect Date Picker you can allow the user to pick from single date to a full range, complying to your wishes.

Choose from the many custom styles and possibilities to fully suit your site design

This extension requires DMXzone App Connect
- OR -


Add a date picker

Enhance your website with stylish calendar

Select date ranges

Popup two calendars for easy range selection

Customization with themes

Choose the theme that match your site

International and custom date formats

The calendar is fully customizable for any user location

Build complex dynamic forms

Build advanced reservation forms just like on and

Use dynamic data

Populate with any dynamic data or database

Responsive design

Look great on all devices, touch friendly


Add a date picker

Enhance your website with stylish calendar

Add a date range picker

Easily select date ranges by just a couple of clicks

Different color combinations

Choose between a light or dark theme and then select one of the 11 highlight colors

Show reserved dates

Get your reserved dates or ranges from a database and display them as disabled/invalid dates

Many different languages supported

Show your calendar in 200 different languages, thanks to the great localization options

Bootstrap 4 support

The date picker fits perfectly to any Bootstrap 4 design

Easy to configure

Configure the layout, labels, date format, min and max dates and many more in just a few clicks

Use dynamic data

Use dynamic data to populate invalid dates or special custom dates in the calendar

Use dynamic attributes

Set dynamic min and max date or max span, thanks to the available dynamic attributes

Fully responsive

The date picker is easy to use on any device and is touch friendly



Required Extensions: DMXzone App Connect


Version 1.0.0

  • First release!

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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