Store the passwords
We will show you how to encrypt passwords in your database using dmxzone server data formatter crypto. We created a user registration form but we'd like to store the passwords hashed, in our database not just as plain text. From our previous tutorials, you already know how to create an insert record form so we won't show this again. Select the insert record step, and open its options (1). Select the password field (2). And click the dynamic data button, for its value (3).
then, open the server data formatter.
Password value
Select the password value (1). And add new formatter (2). And open the cryptographic menu (3). Select one of the hash methods available there. For our tutorial, we will generate a SHA 256 hash for our tutorial we will generate a SHA 256 hash. (4).
Salt option
Click the salt option. the salt is used, to make the hash more unique (1). Enter any value here (2). Make sure to remember it, as it will be needed for setting up the users log in, at a later time. Click the select button, to apply the selected formatter (3).
Click select (1). And click ok when you are done (2).
Save server action
Save your server action. And we are done. Let's preview the results.
Let's enter an email and a password. We use 1 2 3 4 5 6 for our password. Then click the register button. And now in the database you can see the secure, hashed version of our password. That's how easy it is to encrypt passwords using dmxzone server data formatter crypto.
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