Accessible Web Sites
Accessibility is about making sure that a website by design can be accessible to people with hearing, visual or mobility disabilities - or rather, constructing websites so that their content and services can reach the widest possible audience regardless of age, disability or the limitations of the end user's technology.
The purpose of this book is to enable web professionals to create and retrofit accessible websites quickly and easily. It includes discussions of the technologies and techniques that are used to access websites, and provides law and policy information to help decision makers, from top-level management to web developers. This is the first book on the market providing vital law and policy information from countries around the world as well as an in-depth explanation of the US Section 508 technical web requirements for accessible web design. The main body of the book is devoted to the business of making websites accessible. It includes a practical discussion on how to make the content itself accessible, how to make the navigation accessible and how to make data input forms accessible, all with plenty of real world examples taken from live sites.
This book explains useful testing and validation techniques and assesses the current web development tools available to developers. The book concludes with a quick reference checklist for creating accessible websites.
Who is this book for?
This book is primarily for Web Developers creating accessible web sites or updating corporate sites to make them accessible, however it will also be useful to corporate, university and government policy makers involved in the development, maintenance and use of websites for their institutions.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Understanding Accessibility
Chapter 3: An Overview of the Laws and Guidelines
Chapter 4: How do people access information on the web?
Chapter 5: Browsers and Assistive Technologies
Chapter 6: Creating Accessible Web Content
Chapter 7: Accessible navigation
Chapter 8: Accessible Data Input
Chapter 9: Testing for Accessibility
Chapter 10: Web Development Tools and Accessibility
Chapter 11: Separating Content from Presentation
Chapter 12: Advanced Accessibility techniques
Chapter 13: Integrating Accessibility into Enterprise
Chapter 14: Emerging Technologies
Chapter 15: Accessibility Law in Depth
Appendix A: Web Accessibility Quick Reference
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms
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