Creating a Range Selector

Creating a Range Selector

Learn how to create a range selector with DMXzone Slider 2

With this movie we will show you how to create a range selector with DMXzone Slider 2.
Step by Step

Add a slider

First, we need to add a slider on our page. In order to do that, click in the container (1), where you want the slider to be, open the insert panel (2) and click DMXzone Slider (3).

Set min, max and handle step values

We set from 0 to 1000 as min and max values for the slider. Also, we add 10 as a handle step value (2).

Enable the range options and add values

Once you enable the range options (1), enter the initial minimal value for the range (2). Then, set the initial maximal value for the range (3). You can select whether to have fixed minimum or maximum values for the range. When a fixed minimum is selected, the range minimum value equals the slider minimum value. The same applies to the fixed maximum value.

Attach hidden fields

Create and attach additional hidden fields, which will store the selected range values. You can use these additional hidden fields in order to filter your HTML5 Data Bindings data source. Click OK, when you're done!

Save and preview

That's how easy it is to create a range selector, using DMXzone Slider 2. You can use the range values in order to filter your data sources.

Extensions Covered


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