How would you describe DMXzone in one sentence?
Steroids for Dreamweaver.
What was/were your most memorable moment(s) with DMXzone?
Definitely the high level of commitment to support your customers. Your support team is friendly, efficient and they know their stuff. There were times when your support guys would ask me for some time to come up with a solution regarding a specific application of your extensions and then return with an answer to help me solve my problem. That, and when you have your end of year sales. I try to cash in as much as possible :)
What is the primary benefit that you have received from us?
I can build sites much faster and include functionality I could have never have learned to code in my available time. It boosts my income and makes me more efficient.
What were the best websites you have built with the help of our extensions?
All the websites on my company page Blikbrein Media. I use your Bootstrap extension with all the websites I build. For the commodities and network pages I used the HTML5 Data extension.
A few examples:
Basic B and B site. I’ve found an easy way to combine HTML5 Parallax and Bootstrap to make things more interesting.

I always start with
Bootstrap framework and build from there. By using animations I try and recreate the tension and movement of sport, as well as the calmness and tranquility of a wellness lifestyle. Some of the extensions I used are:
HTML 5 Animate,
Advanced CSS animator,
DMX Supersize
How have we helped you in your personal/professional life?
I am more successful as a Web Developer/Designer and I add value to my clients marketing vision and applications. My creativity is not limited by what I can design and build for my clients, but what I can do with DMXzone extensions. I do a lot of work for marketing agencies and many times I go beyond the commissioned work’s expected design by adding user experience enhancements, made possible by the huge variety of DMXzone extensions in my arsenal. My favourite group of extensions being animation interactions available from DMXzone. You can make a website come to “life” as I did with recently. I believe that we were made to create and doing that gives me ultimate pleasure and satisfaction knowing that I am adding value to the projects I am part of. DMXzone extensions are part of my tool set that help me achieve all this.
"DMXzone extensions are part of my tool set that help me achieve all this"
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Maybe Meet-ups in different cities around the world. And DMXzone to be a great company with great people making great extensions and giving great support. Thank you for that!
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