How would you describe DMXzone in one sentence?
On the difficult path of custom development, they are always beside you.
What was/were your most memorable moment(s) with DMXzone?
I could fill pages describing stories with the DMXzone tools. And 99.99% of them are success stories. During every project implementation DMXzone plays a very important role. So many feelings after countless hours of development where the right solution was needed and DMXzone was there to provide it.
The moment I want to focus on was the one that was the most tough: the creation of HB Body is one of the top 5 companies globally in its sector. It was a really difficult project, especially because it was a very big and complicated demand with very, very tight deadlines. So there was no time for mistakes or back and forths. I managed to reach high quality results on time with the use of DMXzone tools. I could focus on good database design and building, as I was sure that the DMXzone tools would help me make big steps fast when developing the front end. It could all fit nicely in my custom code. Right now supports 5 languages and serves more than 70 countries all over the world with no problem. Thanks to DMXzone I managed to deliver a successful, custom and complex database driven project in time.
"DMXzone tools would help me make big steps fast"
Which extensions helped you the most with your project?
I used Nivo Slider for a nice banner which displays great on any device. CSS Animator helped me create very smooth animations that could apply everywhere. I used Ajax Autocomplete to create a very useful search functionality, it searches among 500+ records in no time. Used Ajax Datagrid and DMXzone Lightbox to create a great list for search on technical files. The video player was displaying videos across every device. HTML5 Image Enhancer for beautiful product presentation and Google Maps to display locations.
What is the primary benefit that you have received from us?
Great tools that integrate perfectly with dynamic data. It is so difficult to find high quality products that help you build virtually anything. DMXzone tools are one of these. Great behaviors support, that cover every possible combination of events. Additionally great online support when mind freezes and time won't stop. Countless times that Miro & Teodor helped me find what is going wrong. Thank you guys!
What were the best websites you have built with the help of our extensions?

With the use of CSS Animator, HTML5 Image Enhancer, Ajax Datagrid, Ajax Autocomplete, Google Maps, Nivo Slider among others I created a responsive website for a world class, in it’s sector, company. Works perfect.
I used the CSS3 Drop Shadows extension to
create a nice shadow effect when viewing product details. The effect
applies great on any device (resizes and renders great). This way I
managed to create a very lightweight and great looking shadow effect.
the DMXzone Accordion, DMXzone Tabs & HTML5 Data Bindings to create
a great async browsing between several categories & projects. Works
like a charm. Loads smoothly, fast and it is all dynamic data.
Furthermore with the use of HTML5 Data Bindings SEO PHP/ASP all projects are
crawl-able from search engines. It just rocks!
I used HTML5 Data Bindings for administrator purposes. I also used HTLM5 Data Bindings to detect if email already exists when someone wants to subscribe in the newsletter. Furthermore I used Bootstrap for the admin area. Used Bootstap grid, Elements and also use the HTML5 Notify to display messages on certain database manipulation actions (when something has been added, edited, deleted or when something has gone wrong).
How have we helped you in your personal/professional life?
It is crucial to know that you have good partners that you can count on when you are creating custom things. Not only the tools are really great, but DMXzone has really created cutting edge products the last 4 years. Their great advantage is this: they create tools that are on the front line of technology. It shows that they don't follow the easy path and they know how to deal with hassle. For a custom website and app developer, this is the number one factor when deciding who will support your effort.
"On the difficult path of custom development, they are always beside you"
Is there anything else you would like to add?
There is a big misconception that tools, like the ones DMXzone offers, are for lazy developers. This is certainly not the case. I have been developing websites since 2004 and I never stopped learning new things. This is what got my interest from the very beginning. Tools that not just help you create some nice front end effects, but they are actually fitting on my data and they are helping me achieve faster very solid and stable cross browser (back then) results. Developing with DMXzone tools is more like using a framework. And this becomes more clear as DMXzone is bringing solutions that really boost the development of custom websites & apps right now.
When I saw you taking part at Adobe MAX two-three years ago, I felt so proud. It was one more justification of the fact that following you all these years and trusting you as my main development method was one of the best choices I could make as a custom web developer. The best are yet to come, so let's produce some cool greatness for our clients together. HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY DMXzone!
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