Custom Controls for HTML5 Parallax Slider 2

Custom Controls for HTML5 Parallax Slider 2

Learn how to create custom control buttons for HTML5 Parallax Slider 2

Hi! With this movie we will show you how to create custom control buttons for HTML5 Parallax Slider 2, using the Dreamweaver Behaviors.

Step by Step

Before you begin

We already added the parallax slider on our page. We also added two simple, HTML buttons below it. We'd like to use them in order to control the parallax slider.

Open Control HTML5 Parallax Slider 2

Select the next button (1) and from the behaviors panel add a behavior (2). then, select Control HTML5 Parallax Slider 2 (4) from the DMXzone menu (3).

Select the action for the "next" button

Open the action dropdown and select - go to next slide (1). When you're done, click OK (2).

Select the action for the "previous" button

Do the same for the previous button, selecting the go to previous slide action.

Save and preview

That's how easy it is to create your own, custom control buttons.

Extensions Covered


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