Components Included in DMXzone Visual App Designer
June 2, 2015
Components overview in DMXzone Visual App Designer
Less than 24 hours before the official release of DMXzone Visual App Designer for Framework7 we have our last batch of features to show you. Below you'll find detail information about the awesome components that come along this fantastic extension. Navbars, buttons, media lists, form elements, icons, badges, side panels, it's all included to make your app fully functional and with great user-friendly layout.
The Story
- Navbar - Add awesome navigation to your app. You can fix it on the top of the screen with page title and additional navigation elements. It features 3 main parts: left (designed for "back link"), center (for page title) and right (same as left).
- Dynamic navbar - Add additional navbar for each page with different navbar elements such as text and links. The layout remains the same as the navbar but you can choose between fade or slide transition effects.
- Sub navbar - Sub Navbar is useful when you need to put any additional elements into the navbar, like buttons. It also remains visible when navbar hidden. Sub navbar supports sliding transitions when used with dynamic navbar.

- Toolbar - The toolbar is fixed area at the bottom of the screen, where you can add navigation elements, icons, badges and more. All elements are equally spaced along the toolbar with equal space between them.
- Tab bar - Tab bar is a particular case of toolbar, but it contains icons or icons with labels, instead of plain links.
- Side panels - You can choose between a right or left side panel for your app. Within the panel you can add any page component.
- Content block - This is the place for your content, which can be text, images, buttons and links.
- Popup - The popup window pops up over the app's main content. You can use it for example when a user is filling out a form and needs to confirm the input info with a confirm button, text agreement and other.
- Popover - Popover component is used to manage the presentation of content in a
popover. You can use popovers to present information temporarily in an awesome tooltip-like area. The
popover remains visible until the user taps outside of the popover
window or you explicitly dismiss it.
- List view - List views are versatile and powerful user interface components
frequently found in iOS apps. A list view presents data in a scrollable
list of multiple rows that may be divided into sections/groups. You can use list view to let your users navigate through hierarchically structured data, present an indexed list of items, display detail information and controls in visually distinct groupings or present a selectable list of options.
- Media list view - Media list view is extended case of list view where you can add additional elements such as images. It's useful for comment threads or articles lists.
- Cards - Cards, along with list view, is a one more great way to contain and organize your information. They are
typically an entry point to more complex and detailed information. Along with the inner area you can add header and footer.
- Buttons - You can add normal or big buttons, active or whole buttons row. From
the properties you can choose to fill the button with color and the text color.
- Forms - The included form elements allow you to create flexible and beautiful form layouts within your app.
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Lubov has been with DMXzone for 8 years now, contributing to the Content and Sales departments. She is bringing high quality content in the form of daily blog updates, reviews, tutorials, news, newsletters,update emails and extensions' manuals. If you have a product that needs publicity or any other questions about the entire DMXzone community, she is the one you can contact.
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