Validating Form Fields with HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter
Validating Form Fields with HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter
Use HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter and regular expressions in order to validate a form field
With this movie we will show you how
to use HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter and regular expressions in order
to validate a form field.
How to use:
- Add a form field on your page
- Use the HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter with the following Regular Expression: /^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/
- Assign different classes for valid and not valid values
When to use:
Use HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter and regular expressions in order
to validate a form field
Extensions Covered
Format your data any way you want
Design interactive, data driven dynamic web sites and apps
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