PHPUnit has hinted at parallelism since 2007, but, in the meantime, our tests continue to run slowly. Time is money, right? ParaTest is a tool that sits on top of PHPUnit and allows you to run tests in parallel without the use of extensions. This is an ideal candidate for functional (i.e Selenium) tests and other long-running processes.
ParaTest is a robust command line tool for running PHPUnit tests in
parallel. Inspired by the fine folks at Sauce Labs, it was originally
developed to be a more complete solution for improving the speed of
functional tests.
Since its inception – and thanks to some
brilliant contributors (including Giorgio Sironi, the maintainer of the
PHPUnit Selenium extension) – ParaTest has become a valuable tool for
speeding up functional tests, as well as integration tests involving
databases, web services, and file systems.
ParaTest also has the
honor of being bundled with Sauce Labs’ testing framework Sausage, and
has been used in nearly 7000 projects, at the time of this writing.
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