HTML5 Parallax Slider Released With a Special Price

January 9, 2013

Check out our first extension for this year, the HTML5 Parallax Slider

We showed you the features and how amazingly it looks on a desktop browser as well as on a mobile device, and today we are extremely proud to announce the official release for HTML5 Parallax Slider. With it you can present your content in different slides and create awesome 3D illusion effect in them. Pick up one of the 7 designs or customize them through the CSS, set the slides changes - vertically or horizontally. Insert any content like text, images, videos, URLs and others, arrange the order of appearance to create that 3D feeling for you users and more. Make sure to check out the demos and the video tutorials we made for you, as well as the detailed manual that will help you work with this awesome tool.

For a limited time you can get this outstanding Dreamweaver extension on a special price and save €10/$13!

The Story

Design Studio Home Page Showcase

For this showcase we designed four slides with background images and numerous elements that slide with different time delay in order to create awesome 3D depth effects. The HTML5 Parallax Slider is wrapped up in the Ebony design, which is one of the predefined ones in the extension.




Mentioned Extensions


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